Monday, September 22, 2014

☺ hello it me ☺

Yes, I have started another blog.

And I really am going to try my best to make this one last, unlike my previous failed attempts.

For those of you who are new, just passing by or don't know me, here's a little introduction.

My name is Bernice and I'm currently a Year 1 student in Temasek Polytechnic. My course is Apparel Design and Merchandising (ADM) and I flippin' love my class.

I'm 18 years old and my birthday is on the 28th of May. I'm not into that '18 years young hur hur' kinda shit. I'm not 80, I don't have age issues.

At this point in my life, I'm really into bands. I don't know if its just a phase. I hope not. Bands fucking rock. My favorites have to be (in no particular order):

- Mayday Parade
- A Day to Remember
- A Rocket to the Moon
- The 1975
- Arctic Monkeys
- Bring Me the Horizon
- Crown the Empire
- You Me At Six
- Pierce the Veil

I seriously can't live without them. But I also dig Lana del Rey (more like Lana del Bae, am I right?) and Marina and the Diamonds and Paloma Faith. Ugh, they're so awesome.

There is also a list of things I absolutely love doing, but am not very good at. I love drawing, painting, dancing, acting, singing and writing fiction. And reading, but I'm pretty good at reading.

I've been dancing for over 10 years. Mostly ballet, but I also love modern dance and hip hop. I tried jazz and it was nice, but not my cup of tea.

My favorite book series is Harry Potter. I made the words bigger so you can fully actualize how much I fucking love it.

And I dedicate my life to tv shows. I don't watch a lot but when I watch a tv show, I fucking watch a tv show. I love BBC Sherlock, Supernatural and Doctor Who mostly.

And on the side, I watch Wire in the Blood, Torchwood and Hotel Babylon. They're pretty cool. I adore fantasy fiction, so it goes without saying that I love LOTR and The Hobbit. I marathoned all the movies in one day. 4 movies (at that time), 3 hours each. #NoRagrets

Adding to my marathon list, I have marathoned 7 whole seasons of Supernatural in 2 and a half months. That's an average 22 episodes per season and every episode is 40 minutes long.

You do the math, I'm too lazy. And plus, I'm bad at math. Like really bad.

I also am a proud feminist and I proudly support LGBTQ+. And before you go 'oh, she's a man hater. Probably a hairy angry lesbian too', just sit down and shut up.

1. I do not hate men in the slightest. I do acknowledge that there are good man and bad men, and men that are in between.

There are bad men and I really wish they'd all congregate for an Asshole Convention and that a mysterious poisonous gas would be leaked within their hall and they'd never be able to reproduce and spread the stupid.

But I love good men and I appreciate the good men in this world and I pray they will reproduce and pass on their good genes.

2. I maintain my body hair perfectly well, thank you very much. However, even if a woman chooses not to shave or wax her body hair, it's none of your business. Her body, her business.

3. Well, I am pretty angry. Angry that people confuse feminists, who want equality, with misandrists, who hate men.

4. And I'm only half lesbian. I'm bisexual and happy about it.

It'd come as a shock for people to know that I'm Christian. There goes to show, we aren't all narrow-minded homophobes!

That's basically all you need to know about me. This introduction turned out a bit longer than I had planned. Hope it wasn't too heavy. Anyway, thank you for visiting my blog, and I promise I'll be back and update soon.

stay cute xo,
Ber ♡

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