Sunday, August 30, 2015

Quick Update for August

Time really flies, doesn't it? It feels like my first week of school was just last week, and that I was just a Year One freshman, still high from the aftermath of DOC. In the blink of an eye, I'm now halfway through my polytechnic journey, and after this 2 month break, I'm going back for Semester 2 of my SECOND YEAR. It's just so overwhelming.

2015 has passed especially quickly and I can't explain it but it's just whizzed past me. Christmas is in FOUR MONTHS. Christmas, guys. Christmas. Christmas is in four months. Four months. Christmas. And then it'll be New Year?????? And it'll be 2016!? WHAAAAAAAT.

And it'll be in THIRD YEAR and going for internship and completing my FYP!? And then I'm going to be an adult? Nah man I'm not ready. Nah nah nah nah nah. This is not ok. I'm not even stopping my education after poly, I'm moving to freakin' LONDON for university.

Soon, people will start asking me 'so, do you have a boyfriend?', 'when are you getting married?', 'are you going to give your parents some grandkids soon?'. Oh my God. I'm dying.

I have a lot of posts that may turn into very deep and critical rants upcoming, so after this hella lame post, be ready for some fucking lit blog entries.


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