Saturday, November 22, 2014

Business Matters

Hey everyone.

(As of last week) 
So recently I started an online personal shopping business. It's been going well but just today I encountered a problem that made me seriously so pissed.

I was supposed to meet a customer at Somerset at 1pm+ to pass him his items.

And I waited for 50 mins and he kept giving me absolute shit reasons of why he couldn't walk across the street. 

I've been feeling unwell all morning, I hadn't eaten because I was waiting for him and was worried he couldn't find me when he arrived.

After making me wait 40 minutes, he has the fucking cheek to ask me to go to his work place. 

Like seriously? What the actual fuck kind of service do you think I'm running? I'm not a delivery man, I'm a (fledgling) business woman. 

And after all this, he doesn't even care to apologise. So I leave to go run my errands. 

I don't know about you, but I feel like I have every right to be as pissed as I am. I was about to raise the roof of Hell. But I didn't and I'm still selling him the goods even though I wanted to chuck them in the nearest dustbin. 

Basically, what I'm trying to stress on, is that if you're a fuck boy, don't do business with me. He even kept asking me to give him more and more discounts when I was already selling him a pair of authentic Nike shoes and a very good quality sports jersey for only $105. 

Like how fucking stupid can he even be right? Obviously, he is a total shitwad and didn't even bother paying a cancellation fee.

(As of 22.11.14) 

I've already sold the shoes to a reliable customer, Shan and he's very happy with them.

The bitch ass customer who cancelled on me and was totally irresponsible will be blacklisted. 

His name is Wan and he works opposite 313 @ Somerset in Orchard. He speaks shit english and is such a cheap bastard he'd sell his limbs for $5 a pop. 

He is literally so fucking dumb he thought the shipping would take 2 weeks + processing time. And when it was before two weeks, he came and asked me "where are the items I ordered". LOL and he was like "i have ordered online before but it never took this long" 

Well cock nugget, maybe it's because the items you ordered were instocks and didn't need shipping? 

My God. I hate dealing with stupid people, they lower my IQ.

Watch out for this immature, irresonspible bastard.

That's all for today. Hope you guys had a good week!

Peace out,

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