Saturday, March 14, 2015

I'm bad at updating things

It's been four fucking months since I last posted and tbh a lot has happened since then.

Some of you may or may not know, (idea who reads my blog, are you friend or foe?) I do have a boyfriend now. His name is Lucas and he's a gem. But we have been going through some rough times recently, because of external issues, but I hope we'll get through it.

From November 2014, to now, March 2015, a few momentous things have occurred.

1. I finished my first year of poly.
2. I had my first New Year's kiss.
3. And I actually had someone to spend Valentines Day with.
4. I made a lot of new friends.
5. (In my opinion) I stepped out of my comfort zone.

One of the things I did was I rode on a motorbike. Like I was scared stiff, but I did do it. It took a bit of getting used to, and also I had the irrational fear I would fly off if we went too fast. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, the wind and the temperature changes and whatever.

My hair would be so unruly by the time I got off, and for some reason, 70% of the bike rides I went on was when I was wearing a skirt. Which was such a big bother, to be honest. But it was nice, because I knew I'd be safe sitting behind Lucas (even though he has a bad habit of going like 100km/h, you fucking crazy bitch).

My proudest achievement however, was completing Year 1. I'm not a really good student, I don't deny it. I could have put in a lot more effort, but I didn't and I do regret that. But I got into the option block of my choice and I am so excited for Year 2 to start and for my journey as an RVMer to begin.

At the beginning of Year 1, I was scared but exciting, anticipating what I would learn and who I'd meet. I learnt a lot. I learnt how to sew, draft and cut simple patterns, I learnt about the industry and about the different parts that make it work. It's not all about designers. I learnt about fashion buying and merchandising and about the history of fashion and how to draw flat productions and figures.

Year 1 was just all around fun. Apart from submissions. Not fun. But staying back late doing work with like-minded people was fun. Laughing and making jokes and going out shopping was fun. Talking about serious things was enlightening, and sharing opinions was humbling. I made good friends, and even though there were ups-and-downs and a little bit of drama, I see a lot of good in the people I hang out with.

No doubt, we can't love our friends 100% and they're annoying sometimes, and say the wrong things, but I can be annoying too and say even wronger things, but they stay by me and that means a lot. And I love them (I love you fuckers, if any of you read this).

Anyway, 2014 is OVER, so on to 2015. We're 3 months in and how did it even get to March so fast?? What the hell, seriously. SERIOUSLY.

I ended Year 1 along with February and I'm 2 weeks into my holidays. I dread the ending of it, God. I really do. But at the same time, I'm so excited to start RVM. I know Year 2 is going to be even more stressful, but oh my God, I'm so glad God put me in that option block. In the course of Year 1, I found out I am absolute shit at sewing. So, me + FDM would have been a complete disaster. Me + Photography + Fashion Purchasing Management + Events Management = Not As Big a Disaster/Actually Good. And I'm looking forward to that Actually Good.

As for my relationship, Valentines Day and New Years kiss, I'll talk about it separately if anyone gives a shit. :-) And thats all for now. I'll be back, I promise.

