Monday, October 5, 2015

The Thing About: Sex

The thing about sex is that it's a completely natural thing to want to do.

The thing about sex is that you are not wrong for wanting, or not wanting to, have it.

The thing about sex is that it feels great, and you should not feel ashamed for admitting it.

The thing about sex is that you can do what you want regarding it, it's your body, it's your rules.

The thing about sex is that it's not sex if it isn't consensual.

The thing about sex is that you can save it for marriage, or don't, and that's ok.

The thing about sex is that you can have it with the your committed partner, or enjoy safe, consensual, casual sex, and it's all fine.

The thing about sex is that you shouldn't let other people pressure you into doing it before you're ready.

The thing about sex is that as long as it's safe, legal, consensual and doesn't hurt anyone, go have as much sex as you want.

The thing about sex is that it's just sex, and having it, or not having it, will not change you as a person.

You are more than your sex life. You are a human, a wonderfully intricate, three-dimensional, and amazing individual. Don't let others control you and dictate your actions based on their morals and their codes and rules. You are you, and they are them. If they hate on you and try to change you, because you are different from them, honestly, tell them to shove it up their ass, and walk away.

Have sex or don't, but always remember to be safe and obtain consent. Have fun fucking 💞



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